Kids! Youth! Parents! Young Adults! Teens!

Calendar of Programs for the Whole Family!

From Struggling to Talking

Private Communication
Strengthening Sessions for You and

Co-parent (s)

Private Sessions

In Person or Virtual.
Sessions In Your Own Home if Preferred.

Together We'll Rise to the Challenges!

We’ll Build Communication:

  • Holding the Space for Each Person to Feel Heard.
  • Work Together to Find Solutions that Make Sense to your Family
  • Choose the Session Package that Makes Sense for How you Wish to Start

Individual Coaching

Virtual Sessions if Prefferred

We will customize our time
to match with your goals. Some parents have
worked with me on the following . . .

  • Explore current life challenges and plan empowered responses.
  • Develop strategies to parent each child according to their unique needs.
  • Discover how parenting CAN be powerful fuel for personal and spiritual growth.
  • Plan ways to advocate for your child and your family
  • Uncover how our own emotions and thoughts can transform  parenting
  • Explore how to use challenges with your child to deepen connection.
  • Learn Family conflict resolution tools, and be supported with them.
  • Move beyond disciplining your child to a team approach with your child.

Sign up now for your plan

Sign up for a Free
Intro Parenting Evening

Available in Person or Virtually

We'll Discuss the Challenges of Parenting:

  • We’ll explore ways to avoid power struggles with your child
  • Engage in discussion and share challenges experienced by those who wish to share and explore solutions, that bring smiles to your family.

SIGN-UP Now to be notified
of the next available dates to choose from!

Available in Person or Virtually

Empowered Parenting,
Empowered Kids

Virtual Program
Live with Chris Hyland,

Child Family Coach

Empower yourself to manage the inevitable
challenges every parent encounters!

Together We’ll Build Strength in:

  • Finding your wisdom in challenging situations.
  • Responding in a helpful way when your “buttons get pushed”.
  • Reconnecting with your child when communication breaks down!
  • Helping your kids help themselves when they are stuck!
  • We’ll discuss where you personally feel challenged and find solutions together.

5 Wednesday Evenings 6:30p - 7:30p
June 12 - July 10 2024

$180 if Registered Before May 31 2024

$222 if Registered AFTER!