Empower yourself or family with

Coaching for Family's, Parents, Children, Teens, and Youth


Virtual Sessions if Preferred


Chris's Coaching can be for but not limited to:

  • Co-Parent communication challenges
  • Self regulation coaching for parents, Children,  youth and families
  • Child, and youth behaviour support
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Child / Youth Self Esteem, and Self Advocacy
  • ADHD, ODD, etc.
  • Coaching with Children, Youth, Parents, and Families
  • Parenting Support.
  • Parenting through the parent’s own life challenges
  • Process challenging life experiences, and experiences as a family.
  • Explore the unique needs of each family member and deepen communication.
  • Work with thoughts & emotions through activities including, art, play + music
  • Explore how to use  behaviour and life challenges with your child to deepen your connection, find solutions, and encourage your child’s self control and confidence.
  • Learn Family conflict resolution tools, and have challenging conversations with Chris’s Coaching and assistance to hold the space.
  • Move beyond disciplining your child to a team approach with your child.